2024 Inaugural OtterFest!
Silent Auction and Request for Table Sponsors

From: Katoura Patterson, Mill Creek PTO President, on behalf of the Mill Creek Elementary School PTO

To: Hardin Valley Businesses and Community Partners

Mill Creek Elementary School PTO is hosting their Inaugural OtterFest! It will be a school carnival on Friday, April 5th, from 5pm-7pm.

We are requesting sponsorship of a table at the OtterFest. This will be the perfect opportunity to support our school and advertise your business to the community. Mill Creek PTO will provide your business with a table and a carnival themed game, or you may provide your own. We just ask that you supply kid friendly prizes, such as pens, pencils, stickers, individually wrapped candy, fake tattoos, little trinkets etc. You may display any information you would like to include about your business as well as hand out any flyers, business cards, coupons etc. Please RSVP to (millcreekptopresident@gmail.com) with a firm acceptance or declination to our Inaugural OtterFest by Friday, March 1st.

We are also requesting a donation for our OtterFest Silent Auction. At this event, typically we expect approximately 400-500 students, parents, teachers, and community members. We will auction off gift cards, merchandise, and services generously donated by businesses like yours. The event proceeds will help support our teachers, students, and school community.
We would greatly appreciate any donation you can make. If you make a donation for the OtterFest your business will be recognized on an auction display at the event and on our school social media. We will also provide a donation receipt letter with the PTO’s tax-exempt ID number for your records.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Katoura Patterson at 814-598-1604 or millcreekptopresident@gmail.com. On behalf of the students, parents, and faculty of Mill Creek Elementary School, thank you for your consideration.

We hope to see you there!

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